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Mary T. Albright, MFA

Instructor of Theatre Arts


I embrace the hands-on method of teaching. I find that most of us retain more when we actually experience it, even if only in a lab setting. I enjoy using project work, presentations and discussions to support the lessons. (Acting is doing after all.)

-Mary T. Albright

Buckner Theatre




Mary Albright is the resident costume designer and costume shop supervisor at Florida Southern as well as theatre instructor. As consummate theatre artist, involved in almost all aspects of theatre, she works regularly as a costume designer, actor, director and playwright. As a playwright, her favorite projects include an adaptation of Aristophanes Lysistrata and an original script entitled Mother Goose is Cooked, both of which were produced. As director, Evita, Into the Woods and Little Shop of Horrors are among her favorites. She also choreographs and designs costumes for the productions she directs. As an actor, her favorite roles include Josie in Eugene O'Neil's Moon for the Misbegotten, Eunice in Tennessee Williams A Streetcar Named Desire and one of Eve Ensler's women in the Vagina Monologues. She is the former education director at the Lakeland Community Theatre where she developed an exciting summer camp program that is still successful today. She holds a bachelor's in theatre and dance from Richard Stockton State College and a master’s of theatre arts from the prestigious Mason Gross School of Arts at Rutgers University.


  • Master of Theatre Arts, Rutgers University
  • B.A., Theatre/Dance, Stockton State College