Alex Ortiz, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Communication

My teaching philosophy relies on combining lessons that incorporate the theoretical with the practical — it’s a balancing act for sure, but one that gives my students a broader sense of advertising’s role in our world while ensuring that the latest trends are spotlighted in the classroom. In addition, I will frequently take my students on tours of local and national advertising agencies to give them a firsthand perspective of the inner-workings of the industry.
Before arriving at Florida Southern, Dr. Ortiz gained practical experience in the advertising field by working at local and statewide newspapers in the state of Florida. Interestingly, his first media job came while he was in high school and was called on to serve as a radio announcer at a small country-western station — great experience which gave him a start in the media field. He worked in some area of the media since then and has enjoyed it ever since.Education
- Ph.D., Curriculum & Instruction, University of South Florida
- M. A., Mass Communications, University of Florida
- B. S., Advertising, University of Florida
- Interdisciplinary Studies Final Project Committee Member - 2008
- Thesis Committee Member - 2004
Ortiz, A. (2011). Community-based participant recruiting. A case study with rural U.S. Latinos. Presented at the annual meeting of the Florida Communication Association, Orlando, Florida.
Ortiz, A. (2006). Advertising believability based on medium and language: A comparison of Hispanic and White consumers. Southwestern Mass Communication Journal, 21(2).