Autumn Grubb, Ph.D.
Director of Teaching and Learning Center
I perceive myself as a teacher and an active learner. The way students "shine their flashlight" on the content invariably causes me to reassess what I do and don't know. I strive to keep learning open so the learner can impact the direction the group takes and the questions posed. During learning immersions with students, I model, value and praise development of critical thinking, collaboration and problem-solving skills, personal growth, and real world applications.
Dr. Autumn Grubb has enjoyed 34 years in higher education as a faculty member, administrator and consultant. Earning her Ph.D. from University of Kentucky in Media and Cultural Studies, she began exploring learner-centered course design, engaged learning, and formative assessment in the 1990’s. An award-winning faculty trainer and online course designer, she has consulted with a variety of institutions in higher education to include community colleges, 4-year regional universities, private universities, and international organizations. She is passionate about learner-centered assessment, engaged learning, and online course design and loves to share her knowledge and strategies with others.Education
- Doctor of Philosophy, Media & Cultural Studies University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky, 1994
- Master of Arts, Communication Morehead State University, Morehead, Kentucky, 1984
- Bachelor of Arts, Radio/Television Morehead State University, Morehead, Kentucky, 1980
She enjoys kayaking, bicycling, and gardening.Awards
- Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Award for Programs, University System of Georgia Board of Regents recognized the Faculty Development Workshop: Assessment at the Classroom Level, 2006
- Powell/Whippell Award, Recognized for collaboration across disciplines, 2003
- Preparing Tomorrow’s Teachers to Use Technology Grant, Co-Principal Investigator, funded by USDOE, $2,000,000 over 3 year period, 2001
- Exemplar Course Award, International competition of courses created in WebCT. Received award for EDIT 6225 for course rigor and active learning strategies, 2000
Sarikakis, K., Rush, R., & Grubb, A. (2008). Feminist theory and research. In D. W. Stacks and M. B. Salwen (Eds.) An Integrated Approach to Communication Theory and Research, 2nd Ed. Mahway, New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc. Publishers.Yao, J. F., Liu, Y., Grubb, A., & Williams, G. (December, 2007). Course assessment framework that maps professional standard and ABET accreditation criteria into course requirements. Journal of Computing Sciences in Colleges, 23(2), 128-136.
Rose, J., Grubb, A. (2005). Becoming a learning-centered university: A post-SACS transformation. Published in Proceedings of the 2005 Annual Meeting of the Commission on Colleges.
Grubb, A., Payne, S., Goings, D., White, N., Williams, G., Wall, W. (2005). Blogs, pocket PCs, assessment and faculty development. Published in Proceedings of the 1st Southeastern Scholarship Conference on E-Learning.
Grubb, A., Sims, S., Nwabuebo, E., Moshtael, A., Mathews, R., Harris, S, & Tripp. E. (2005). The scholarship of learner-centered assessment in e-learning. Published in Proceedings of the 1st Southeastern Scholarship Conference on E-Learning.
Daugherty, M., Grubb, A., Hirsch, J., Gillis, L. (2000). The scholarship of web-based teaching. In R. Cole (Ed.). Web-based pedagogies: A critical primer.
Grubb, A., Hines, M. (2000). Tearing down barriers and building communities: Pedagogical strategies for the web-based environment. In R. Cole (Ed.). Web-based pedagogies: A critical primer.
Everett, D., & Grubb, A. (1997). Making sense of distance learning: How learners cope. Published in Proceedings of The 16th Annual Office Systems Research Association Conference.
Grubb, A., Carrell, M., & Grier, W. (1997). The new higher education environment: Opportunities to raise funds for the SBI. Published in Proceedings of The Small Business Institute Director’s Association Conference.
Lindlof, T.R. & Grubb-Swetnam, A. (1996). Seeking a path of greatest resistance: The self becoming method. In D. Grodin & T. Lindlof (Eds.). Constructing the self in a mediated world. Sage Publications.