Colette B. Harris, Esq., PhD
Assistant Professor of Criminology

Dr. Harris considers herself a guide to allow students to explore academics with hands on activities and involvement that extends beyond the classroom. She strives to aid students with career and peer engagement because lecturing alone does not facilitate the best learning environment for future professionals.
Dr. Harris has spent several years engaging in learning, mentoring, tutoring, teaching, and speaking publicly, and she credits much of her success to her spiritual devotion as she is also a licensed Christian Minister. She has published book reviews, book chapters, and a few scholarly articles with a juvenile justice focus. Dr. Harris is a licensed Florida attorney that has practiced Family and Immigration Law. Her academic background has allowed her to develop a holistic approach to lecturing and law practice. Dr. Harris is known for her attention to small details, and the need to maintain organization. Her experiences as a Certified Legal Intern, Graduate Teaching Assistant and Attorney drive her scholarly interactions. Dr. Harris' academic experiences have allowed her to develop a unique set of skills including but not limited to Legal Research, Trial Practice, Negotiation, Mediation, Public Speaking, operation of Notepad++, PrintShop, PhotoShop, Dream Weaver, Adobe Software, and HTML Formatting.
- PhD in Philosophy in Juvenile Justice - Prairie View A&M University, earned Spring 2023
- JD (Juris Doctor) - University Of Florida Levin College Of Law, earned Fall 2016
- MS (Master of Theology) - U.S. Seminary for Theological Studies, Spring 2024 - Present
- BA (Bachelor of Arts) in English (New Media and Technical Communication) - University of South Florida, earned 2013
Dr. Harris enjoys traveling, learning new customs and cultures, dance, variations of music and art, most sports, and some gaming.
- Florida Bar License, February 2022.
- Online Teaching Certification, Summer 2020.
- Juvenile Justice Student Advisory Council Representative, Fall 2019 – Spring 2022.
- Worldwide Ministerial Licensee, Revelational Truth Ministries, Miami, FL, 2014.
- Florida Early Child Education Licensee, Department of Children & Families, Miami, FL, 2010.
Published Works
Harris, C. B. (2018). Book Review: Violent men: An inquiry into the psychology of violence. Criminal Justice Review. Sage Publications. 1-3.
Gibson, C., Davenport, S., Fowler, T., Harris, C. B., Prudhomme, M., Whiting, S., & Simmons-Horton, S. (2019). Understanding the 2017 “Me Too” Movement’s Timing. Humanity & Society. Sage Publications.
Harris, C. B. (2021). Book Review: Punishing poverty: How bail and pretrial detention fuel inequalities in the criminal justice system. Criminal Justice Review. Sage Publications. 1-2.
Harris, C. B. (2021). Miami-Dade County status offenders: A literature review of punishment and rehabilitation of youth. Contemporary Issues of Juvenile Justice.
Kethineni, S., & Harris, C. B. (2021) Right Against Self-Incrimination: Revealing Mental Health History of Justice Involved Youth. Contemporary Issues of Juvenile Justice.
Harris, C. B. (2023). Book Review: You might go to prison, even though you’re innocent by Brooks, J. Criminal Justice Review. Sage Publications. 1-3.
Chapters in Scholarly Books
Kethineni, S., Whiting, S., & Harris, C. B. (2019). Modernization, Globalization, and Transformation in Gender Equality: Law, Social Change, and Women’s Rights in India: Chapter 6 In S. Shahidullah (Ed.) Modernity, Modernization, and Globalization: Issues and Challenges of the 21st Century. NOVA Scientific Publications.
Kethineni, S., Harris, C. B., & Humiston, G. (2020). Specific crimes against humanity: Groups and minority rights. Chapter 10 In S. Kethineni (Ed.) Comparative and International Policing, Justice, and Transnational Crime, 3rd edition. Carolina Academic Press.