Daniel Jelsovsky, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Mathematics
Math is not a spectator sport. You learn to solve problems by solving problems, not by watching people solve problems. To think you can learn math by watching is as foolish as saying I can hit a baseball by watching Evan Longoria. I will help students think their way through advanced problems. This will stay with them long after any formula has faded from memory.
Dr. Jelsovsky was born and raised in the Tampa Bay Area. He is a graduate of Brandon High School and the University of South Florida (B.A., M.A., and Ph.D.) He received his Ph.D. in Knot Theory in August 2000. He started at FSC in Fall 2000.
Dr. Jelsovsky is a topologist who specializes in knot theory. Dr. Jelsovsky teaches mathematics courses in social world algorithms, proof techniques, linear algebra, topology, biostatistics and applied statistical analysis. He serves as an advisor to mathematics majors and minors and he directs undergraduate mathematics research and projects.
Dr. Jelsovsky takes great pride in bringing outstanding speakers to campus. He has brought several conferences to Florida Southern including the Florida Analysis Seminar (FLOAS) and the MAA Suncoast Regional Convention along with meetings of the Florida Section of the MAA and the Florida Two-Year College Mathematics Association. He also coordinates the popular Hartje Lecture Series annually.
- Ph.D., M.A., B.A., Mathematics, University of South Florida
- 2013 Distinguished Service Award from the Florida Section of the Mathematical Association of America
- Pi Mu Epsilon Mathematics Honor Society, Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society (FSC chapter president 2010-11)
- Golden Key Honor Society, Kappa Mu Epsilon Mathematics Honor Society
- Florida Section of MAA Coordinator of Student Activities 2004-08
Carter, J. Scott; Jelsovsky, Daniel; Kamada,Seiichi; Langford, Laurel; Saito, Masahico; “Quandle cohomology and state-sum invariants of knotted curves and surfaces.” Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 355 (2003), no. 10, 3947—3989 (electronic).
Carter, J. Scott; Jelsovsky, Daniel; Kamada, Seiichi; Saito, Masahico; “Shifting homomorphisms in quandle cohomology and skeins of cocycle knot invariants.” Journal of Knot Theory and its Ramifications, 10 (2001), no. 4, 579--596.
Carter, J. Scott; Jelsovsky, Daniel; Kamada, Seiichi; Saito, Masahico; “Quandle homology groups, their Betti numbers, and virtual knots.” Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 157 (2001), no. 2-3, 135--155.
Carter, J. Scott; Jelsovsky, Daniel; Kamada, Seiichi; Saito, Masahico “Computations of quandle cocycle invariants of knotted curves and surfaces.” Advances in Mathematics 157 (2001), no. 1, 36—94.
Carter, J. Scott; Jelsovsky, Daniel; Kamada, Seiichi; Langford, Laurel; Saito, Masahico; “State-sum invariants of knotted curves and surfaces from quandle cohomology.” Electronic Research Announcement of the American Mathematical Society 5 (1999), 146—156 (electronic).
Jelsovsky Daniel; Jelsovsky, Zhihong; “论美国数学教育改革对中国的可用性” ;中国科教创新导刊 issue 28, 2009 pages 117-118. Credited as 贾达宁 and 贾志红
Jelsovsky, Daniel; Henderson Jr., Kenneth; Serrano, Susan. “Transforming College Algebra at Florida Southern College.” Partner Discipline Recommendations for Introductory College Mathematics and the Implications for College Algebra. (Edited by Ganter, Susan L. and Haver, William E.) pp 55-59.