Deah S. Quinlivan, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Psychology

My primary goal as a teacher is to inspire my students to seek the highest levels of achievement. Teaching psychology courses offers many opportunities for developing and refining skills that are valued, such as a desire for knowledge, critical thinking, problem solving, and an ability to communicate effectively with others through writing and speaking. I translate my enthusiasm for both learning and teaching through my high but reasonable standards I have for my students.
Dr. Quinlivan attended the University of Alabama in Huntsville where she obtained an undergraduate degree in Psychology and a Master's degree in Experimental Psychology. She continued her education at Iowa State University, obtaining a Ph.D., in Social Psychology.Education
- Ph.D., Social Psychology, Iowa State University
- M.A., Experimental Psychology, (Cognitive Emphasis, University of Alabama, Huntsville
- B.A., Psychology (Sociology Minor), University of Alabama, Huntsville
- Golden Key Honor Society of Iowa State - 2008
- Albert Bandura Research Award - 2007
- 1st Place American Society of Trial Consultants Research Award - 2007
Quinlivan, D. S., Neuschatz, D.S., Wells, G. L., Cutler, B. L., McClung, J. E**., & Harker, D**. (2012). Do pre-admonition suggestions moderate the effect of the unbiased-lineup instructions? Legal and Criminological Psychology, 17.
Neuschatz, J. S., Wilkinson, M., Goodsell, C. A., Wetmore, S., Quinlivan, D.S., Jones, N.L. (2012). Secondary confessions and expert testimony designed to protect against unreliable testimony. Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology.
Quinlivan D. S., Neuschatz, J. S., Douglass, A., Wells, G.L, & Wetmore, S.** (2011). Disambiguating the accessibility hypothesis: The effect of post-identification feedback, delay, and suspicion using accurate witnesses. Law and Human Behavior.
Quinlivan, D. S., Wells, G. L., & Neuschatz, J.S. (2010). Is manipulative intent necessary to nullify the feedback effect? A test of an alternative hypothesis for the feedback nullification effect. Law and Human Behavior. 34, 186-197.
Wells, G. L., & Quinlivan, D. S. (2009) Suggestive eyewitness identification procedures and the Supreme Court’s reliability test in light of eyewitness science: 30 years later. Law and Human Behavior, 33(1), 1-24.
Quinlivan, D. S., Neuschatz, J. S., Jimenez, A**., Cling, A., Douglass, A. (2009) Do prophylactics decrease inflation? The effects of feedback and confidence prophylactic on earwitness identifications. Law and Human Behavior, 33, 111-121.